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Selectmen's Minutes 05/21/2007

May 21, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen Stephen White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Frederick Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty

ABSENT:  Selectman Emma Smith

OTHERS PRESENT:  Bob Anthonyson, Harry Gazelle and Carolyn Stoddard

Vice Chairman Stephen White opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.

It was announced that the Charrette for the Old Town Hall would be held Friday, June 22, 2007 and Saturday, June 23, 2007 at the Knowlton House, 63 Main Street.  Times will be announced.


There were no public comments.


Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that Bob Anthonyson would be in later to speak with the Board about the CHADD Regatta planned for Sunapee harbor.


Motion was made and seconded (Gallup/Roach) to approve the minutes of the April 23 meeting.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion was made and seconded (Roach/Leone) to approve the minutes of the May 7 meeting.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion was made and seconded (Leone/Roach) to approve the minutes of the non-public session of the May 7 meeting.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Board of Selectmen
May 21, 2007


A.  Right to Know Law

Donna Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that she is working on creating a booklet that can be given to all boards and committees.  She will present the Selectmen with a draft booklet once it is completed.

B.  Chartier Property

Donna Nashawaty gave the Board a copy of a letter received from Gene Chartier regarding property at 30 Wilderness Park.  G. Chartier was not current with his property taxes and in accordance with state law, the Tax Collector had taken a deed to the property to be accepted or not accepted by the Selectmen.  G. Chartier also gave the Selectmen a check in the amount of $1,97l.00 to pay the taxes due.  D. Nashawaty asked the Board what they wished to do – accept the deed and process it or accept the check for the amount due and not process the deed.   Motion was made to accept the payment of taxes and not process the tax deed (Leone/Roach).  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

C.  Damage to Car in Town Hall Parking Lot

Donna Nashawaty reported to the Board that the windshield of her car was hit by a stone during the mowing of the Town Hall lawn.  The mowing occurred during a full work day.  She stated that she has asked the Road Agent to have the mowing done during Wednesdays afternoons, as was in the past, because the office is not open.  D. Nashawaty also reported that someone had backed into the car owned by Town Clerk/Tax Collector Betty Ramspott.  Damaged was done to the passenger, front marker light.  The cost of the light is $33.77.  D. Nashawaty stated that she would like to pay for these repairs because both vehicles were in the lot because of the owner’s employment at Town Hall and asked for the Board’s approval.  The Board gave their approval.

D.  Appointment of Library Trustee

Donna Nashawaty explained that during the elections of Town Meeting 2007, the Library Trustees should have had run 3 appointments for a term of 3 years, but only had two.  Therefore, to correct the matter the Library Trustees have asked that the Selectmen approve the appointment of Allison Mollica until Town Meeting 2008.  This will be addressed at the June 4  meeting of the Selectmen.

Board of Selectmen
May 21, 2007

E.  Betsey Webb:  Resignation Crowther Chapel Committee

Donna Nashawaty  presented the Board with a letter from Betsey Webb stating that she did not wish to be reappointed to the Crowther Chapel Committee.  Her reason is that she has found herself on so many various boards and committees for Sunapee and just does not have the time.  B. Webb will call D. Nashawaty with recommendations on
appointments.  The Board accepted Betsey Webb’s resignation with regret and asked D. Nashawaty to write her a letter of appreciation from the Board for her past and present services to the Town of Sunapee.


A.  CHADD Sailing Regatta

Bob Anthonyson was present to represent John Chiarella to discuss the CHADD Sailing Regatta scheduled to be held at Sunapee harbor July 18 to July 22.  The Regatta will show replica boats that old up to 12 people (10 civilians) plus the Skipper. A formal Regatta is expected to be held July19th and end July 20th.  The first race on July 19th will begin at 2 PM.  The races cycles will be 2 hours per race.  It is possible that 14 teams may compete in the two days of racing.   These are the dates the boats will conduct races.   They feel that this will have a minimum impact on the harbor because the races will be held on weekdays, Thursday and Friday.  One day of racing may be moved to Saturday if the weather is bad.  The CHADD representatives anticipate about 5,000 teams.  The boats will begin to arrive on Friday, July 6th to be assembled.  It is anticipated that they will be ready for charter for sailing on July 10th.  

Bob Anthonyson asked if the Board could portion off a section of the Ben Mere parking lot on July 18, 19 and 20.  They plan to erect two tents that have been donated.  These will be placed near the public restrooms.  The tents will be used for advertisement of things to do in the area and also for registrations.  An equipment trailer will be placed near the Town Dock.  Also, a temporary score board would be erected at the harbor.  Safety boats will be docked at the harbor or Indian Cave Lodge.  Music is scheduled at the gazebo on Thursday and Friday.  Bandstand entertainment is already scheduled for Wednesday.

Bob Anthonyson informed the Board that on Sunday, July 22nd a gala is planned at Mt. Sunapee.  This will begin at 5:30 PM with the banquet scheduled to begin at 7:00 PM.  They are prepared to serve 200 people.  B. Anthonyson  reported that some money has been raised.  The Mt. Sunapee Lodge is contributing the food and the facility.  It is also planned to have fireworks after the gala if the weather permits.  

Bob Anthonyson informed the Board that there may be an antique boat parade on Friday, July 20th.  A banner will be placed over Main Street two weeks in advance.
Board of Selectmen
May 21, 2007

Richard Leone stated that he is concerned that the public will not have access to the harbor on the dates of racing and charter rides.  He feels the Selectmen should be careful on setting a precedent and assure the public that they will have access to the dock and harbor.  R. Leone also asked about the increase in police service.  Stephen White stated
that the Selectmen will have to look carefully at the application for use when the permit is filed.  Donna Nashawaty stated that there are only 110 parking spaces available in the harbor area and suggested that perhaps competitors and viewers be ferried in from another area of the lake.  B. Anthonyson stated that they are reviewing parking near the school and the use of shuttles.  D. Nashawaty asked where the bulk of participants would be gathered.  B. Anthonyson stated that it would be in the water.  D. Nashawaty expressed concern that the preceding week of the 4th sees heavy parking and presence in the harbor area which may continue into the following week.    B. Anthonyson stated that the CHADD representatives will check into docking at Indian Cave.   D. Nashawaty asked that the Board receive along with the completed application for use, a diagram of where the tents and sign are planned to be situated.  D. Nashawaty stated that the Board should also receive a plan showing where the reserved parking lots would be requested.  Also, a certificate of liability needs to be supplied.  D. Nashawaty also stated that if the event requires exclusive use of the dock, this should be stated on the use form.  

The Selectmen stated that they supported the CHADD event as it is a worthy cause and hope that all goes smoothly.  

Richard Leone reiterated that he hopes the public will not be denied the use of the harbor area.


Stephen White reported that he is receiving calls from people that ask “who is the governing body of the town?”  It was related to him that non-elected people are conducting meetings with regard to town business.  S. White would like the Board of Selectmen take a firm stance to insure that the governing of the community rests with the Selectmen.  He would also like to see the Board control the meetings under Public Comments so that it does not get out of control with arguments.  Anything that needs further discussion should be postponed until the next meeting where an appointment can be made.

William Roach reported that he attended a meeting regarding the new site for the library.  He reported that most of those in attendance would like to see it constructed on Lower Main.  He also feels that people do want action to see either an improved or new library.

Board of Selectmen
May 21, 2007


A.  North Country Agreement for Disposal

Donna Nashawaty asked if the Board had reviewed the agreement.  Motion was made to allow Donna Nashawaty to enter into an agreement with North County Environmental for waste disposal (Gallup/Leone).  Richard Leone asked was the cost
would be.  D. Nashawaty replied that it is $47.00 per ton to January 31, 2009.  R. Leone asked if there was a back up plan.  D. Nashawaty responded that there was.  If NCE could not, the waste would go to Newport at the rate of $86.00 per ton.  This would only be in the case of an emergency.  The vote was unanimous and the motion passed.


Fred Gallup reported on a meeting he attended with Sullivan County regarding the MRF (Municipal Recycling Facility) program.  He stated that duel and single stream factors were discussed.  The MRF would need a steady stream of material to be able to work.  F. Gallup feels that either would drastically alter Sunapee’s present system.  Sunapee requires sorting and MRF would not.  Sunapee residents do very well in sorting their trash.  MRF would pay employees to sort.  This would not be a savings to Sunapee.  F. Gallup stated that he does not see where there would be a volume enough to support a MRF in Sullivan County.  No other counties are considering a county facility and wonders why Sullivan County.   F. Gallup would like to see a letter drafted to the County and the State to inform them that Sunapee does not plan to participate in a MRF.  Stephen White agreed and stated that the letter should stress that Sunapee will not participate and if so required by the County, County Delegation or State, would go to court.  S. White stated that he believes there is no legal standing for the County or State to make any town participate.  

Fred Gallup reported on the perambulation of the town line with Goshen.  He was contacted by a Goshen Selectman to meet.  The Goshen Selectman did not show so he walked the line by himself.  F. Gallup presented two reports he had of past perambulations; one performed  in 1919 and the other in 1933.   There was noted in one report that a stone post was missing on the Goshen/Sunapee line.  F. Gallup stated that he found the post.  He would like the use of a GPS and would take pictures the next time he walks.  He will contact Goshen regarding this.  Once he has completed a report, he will bring it before the Board for acceptance.

Fred Gallup reported that the line between Springfield and New London needs attention.  

.Discussion was held on the upcoming meeting of the Sullivan County Task Force at the Newport Sugar River Tech, Media Room, 6:30 PM on May 22.  Stephen White hopes that some of the Selectmen will attend.  He has a previous engagement that he cannot
Board of Selectmen
May 21, 2007

renege on.   Fred Gallup stated that he could not attend as well.  Emma Smith, William Roach and Richard Leone plan to attend.  Donna Nashawaty will email Emma Smith to let her know that she may pick up R. Leone and W. Roach at the Town Hall at 5:45 PM.

Richard Leone stated that he attended a session on HB653 which addresses the state retirement program.  He feels that there is a strong battle going on with regard to this bill
which will probably end up with a very high cost to the towns.  R. Leone stated that the Senate will be hearing the bill this coming Thursday.

Stephen White read a letter from the CRDC.  He was appointed as a member of this but can only remember attending one meeting.  He will check into this.  

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that she would be attending the Annual Manager’s Conference in Portsmouth, NH.  The conference will be held June 20th to 27th.    She will only be gone for two days and will be back for the Friday Charrette.

Richard Leone reported that he received an email from Pat Remick informing him that the Board of Selectmen may use her email testimony at any time.

The next meeting of the Board of Selectmen, June 4th, will be held at the Safety Services Building.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved__________________

_____________________________                   ____________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                                     Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

_____________________________                   ____________________________
William Roach                                               Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup